Thursday, 30 March 2017

Creating a Montessori Inspired Environment for PRE K at Home Without Spending a Fortune

Up until recently for my three year old homeschool has meant nothing more than listening to stories, completing puzzles, singing songs and generally enjoying being a three year old. As it should be! However he has shown an increased interest in the activities my eight year old completes at the table and Ive decided its time to introduce more formal learning. Having read A LOT over the last year about various styles of education I decided that for my son a nature school and Montessori approach would be best. I don't have a big budget to spend on toys so instead over the last week I have been getting creative with anything I could find in the cupboards and a few items from the dollar store.

Learning numbers and counting practice:

Paper plate
Clothes pegs

As seen I have divided the plate into 10 sections. Each section has a number of stars from 1-10 and the number of stars written below. Each clothes peg has a number from 1-10 written on it.
The object of this game is to count the stars and place the correct peg in the correct section.

Learning letters and writing practice:

Plastic Tub
Thin Layer of salt or sand

Write the letters of the alphabet on card a-z
place a very thin layer of sand or salt in the tub (if it is thick it will not work).
The object of the game is to copy the letter with their finger.

Learning colors and numbers:

Egg carton
Buttons or wool balls
Construction paper

Glue colored paper into sections of the egg box at the top. At the bottom glue paper with numbers. The objecof this game is to sort the buttons into color groups or place the right number of buttons in the numbered slots.

Learning letters and word formation:

Duplo or Mega blocks

Write words on the long sections of blocks. Write the corresponding letters on individual blocks.
The object of the game is to match the letters forming words.

Learning and recognizing animals:

Various animals (sets dont have to match)

Print out pictures of the animals you have. Place the figures in a tray or bowl.
The object of this game is to match the correct animal toy up with the correct picture. This can be used with bugs and birds and fish.

Color Matching:

Thick Card
Cars of various colors

Create different colored start boxes. Draw the race track and the finish line.

Object of the game to match colors and have fun racing.

Puzzle  Logic Stones:

Rocks from the dollar store (or anywhere)
White out or paint pen

Draw a variety of lines on both sides of the stones. Choose approximately five that have an end. I have used a star to end the line.

The object of the game is to match up the lines and all open lines to have an 'end'. There are endless possibilities for how this can be done but it will take logic to make sure they all have an 'end'.


Storage containers

Montessori toys generally are in individual containers so that the children can choose the task they want to complete. They can work on it independently in their tray and then put it back at the end.
These containers came from the dollar store and are the perfect size for the tasks.

The total cost for the above activities came to around $6 - I had to buy the tubs ($3), the stones ($1) but everything else was already laying around the house. I have added $2 simply to account for the small amount of glue, ink and paper, stickers and pegs I used in creating these games.